Where has the time gone?!
I've come to accept that I'm terrible at keeping this website up to date. Nearly a year has passed since I've posted! Where has this year...
Where has the time gone?!
Updates and more updates
The Hellborn King Music!
"The Hellborn King", second edition
"The Servitor of Sin", a Hellborn King Saga story
Big Moves Coming
The Wrathbringer unleashed
"The Wrathbringer" Release Date!
The Wrathbringer is ready...
I'm excited to announce, "The Wrathbringer"!
Some updates
The Hellborn King is coming to Audible!
It's been awhile!
Well, I did it.
Difficult decisions
I'm in the trenches
The first obstacle has been cleared
So, it's been one year since I started.